Hello I'm


Fullstack developer

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about me

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Hello. My name is Abduvohid. I have been involved in web programming since 2019. I am currently working as a lead programmer at BYWEB MEDIA IT company. Below is more information about me


vue js
2011 - 2014

Baliqchi Iqtosodiyot Kolleji My college education was rich in memorable events

2019 - 2020

Napa It Academy I got my knowledge of programming at this academy

2019 - 2020

During this time with many years of experience, He has created a number of large projects, such as oligoh.uz, abt.uz I gained experience with full stack programmer Shavkat Hamidjanov

2020 - 2021

Later another with many years of experience, such as olcha.uz, lazzet.uz created many major projects I gained experience with full stack programmer Inoyatulloh Juraev

2021 - 202 .....

Now at BYWEB MEDIA I am working as a leading programmer

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recent work

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Personal Website

  • Created - 18 November 2021
  • Tehnoologies Used - Html , Css, Js, Php ,Laravel Role - Frontend , Backend
  • view online - abduvohid.tech
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  • Created - 10 Yanvar 2022
  • Tehnoologies Used - Html , Css, Bootstrap , Js, Php ,Laravel Role - Frontend , Backend
  • view online - lc-up.com
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Consulting Website

  • Created - 20 October 2021
  • Tehnoologies Used - Html , Css, Bootstrap , Js, Php ,Laravel Role - Frontend , Backend
  • view online - rustudy.uz
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Test Platform

  • Created - 22 May 2022
  • Tehnoologies Used - Html , Css, Bootstrap , Js, Php ,Laravel Role - Frontend , Backend
  • view online - test.abduvohid.online
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Consulting Website

  • Created - 26 December 2021
  • Tehnoologies Used - Html , Css, Bootstrap , Js, Php ,Laravel Role - Frontend , Backend
  • view online - issagency.uz
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Service Website

  • Created - 5 Aprel 2021
  • Tehnoologies Used - Html , Css, Bootstrap , Js, Php ,Laravel Role - Frontend , Backend
  • view online - byweb.uz
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Classifieds website

  • Created - 10 November 2022
  • Tehnoologies Used - Html , Css, Bootstrap , Js, Php ,Laravel Role - Frontend , Backend
  • view online - jahonbozor.uz
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MVC Framework ( github )

  • Created - 25 Iyul 2022
  • Custom routing Composer Controllers Views / Layouts Models Migrations Form widget classes Processing of request data Validations Registration/Login Simple Active Record Session flash messages Middlewares
  • view online - github.com/Abduvohid123/framework
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Quran ( github )

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  • Created - 20 december 2022
  • Tehnoologies Used - Html , Css, Bootstrap , Js, Php ,Laravel Role - Frontend , Backend
  • view online - urganchyog.uz
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  • Created -20 May 2023
  • Ushbu loyiha hususiy shifoxonalarni avtomatlashtirish uchun ishlab chiqilgan
  • view online - tashxis.com

Telegram bots

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Quron oyatlarini izlovchi bot

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Bolalar uchun matematik bot

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Konvertatsiya bot

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Uzmobile bot

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Universitet bot

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